姓 名: 费琼晖 出生年月: 1994.06 籍 贯: 甘肃 定西
政治面貌: 中共党员 电 话: 18794851800 邮 箱: feiqionghui@163.com
荣 誉: 硕博期间获2017年度国家奖学金,多次三好研究生,优秀党员称号
2023 兰州大学 植物生殖细胞生物学 博士(Ph.D. Lanzhou University, 2023)
2018 兰州大学 细胞生物学 硕士(M.S. Lanzhou University, 2018)
2015 湖南科技大学 生物科学 师范类 学士(B.S. Hunan University of Science and Technology, 2015)
1.“PIN4介导的生长素和细胞分裂素互作调控根分生区细胞分裂与分化稳态平衡的机制研究”(国家自然科学基金,32070721, 参与人)
1. Fei, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Liang, L., Wu, L., Gao, H., Sun, Y., Niu, B., and Li, X. (2019a). Effects of auxin and ethylene on root growth adaptation to different ambient temperatures in Arabidopsis. Plant Sci 281: 159-172. SCI 2区, IF=5.454.
2. Fei, Q., Liang, L., Li, F., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Guo, Y., Wu, L., Meng, X., Gao, H., and Li, X. (2019b). Transcriptome profiling and phytohormone responses of Arabidopsis roots to different ambient temperatures. J Plant Interact 14: 314-323. SCI 3区, IF=5.124.
3. Fei, Q., Li, J., Luo, Y., Ma, K., Niu, B., Mu, C., Gao, H., and Li, X. (2018). Plant molecular responses to the elevated ambient temperatures expected under global climate change. Plant Signal Behav 13: e1414123. SCI 4区, IF=2.746.
4. Fei, Q., Wei, S., Zhou, Z., Gao, H., and Li, X. (2017). Adaptation of root growth to increased ambient temperature requires auxin and ethylene coordination in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep 36: 1507-1518. SCI 2区, IF=5.004.
5. Liu, H.Q., Pu, Z.X., Di, D.W., Zou, Y.J., Guo, Y.M., Wang, J.L., Zhang, L., Tian, P., Fei, Q.H., Li, X.F., Khaskheli, A.J., Wu, L., and Guo, G.Q. (2022). Significance of NatB-mediated N-terminal acetylation of auxin biosynthetic enzymes in maintaining auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Commun Biol 5: 1410. SCI 2区, IF=6.816.
6. Wang, J.L., Liang, L.Y., Lang, N., Li, Y.Y., Guo, W., Cui, J., Zou, Y.J., Liu, H.Q., Fei, Q.H., Li, X.F., Guo, G.Q., and Wu, L. (2021). An improved plant CRISPR-Cas9 system for generating Cas9-free multiplex mutants. Biotech Biotechnol Equip 35: 1850-1857. SCI 4区, IF=2.116